When it comes to seeking speech therapy for a child or adult with communication difficulties, there are a few options available. One option is to participate in traditional in-person therapy sessions at a clinic or therapy center. Another option is to participate in at home speech therapy, where the therapist travels to the individual’s home to provide therapy.

A third option is to participate in online speech therapy, which is conducted remotely through a computer or device with an internet connection. But ultimately it is also a form of at home speech therapy which has been invented in the Covid 19 era to avoid physical touch or spreading of  corona virus.

at home speech therapy

Why people consider at home speech therapy or online therapy?

It really depends on the individual’s needs and circumstances. Here are a few considerations to help you determine which option might be best for you or your child. I have compiled some points which is why people prefer these therapies over traditional in-person therapy sessions at a clinic or therapy center.


At-home speech therapy and online speech therapy offer greater convenience than traditional in-person therapy, as you don’t need to travel to a clinic or therapy center. This can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule, live far from a therapy center, or have mobility issues.


Some individuals may feel more comfortable receiving therapy in their own home, rather than in an unfamiliar setting. This can be particularly true for children, who may feel more at ease in their own environment.


Online speech therapy requires access to a device with an internet connection, as well as a private and quiet place to participate in the therapy sessions. If you or your child are comfortable using technology and have access to the necessary equipment, online speech therapy can be a good option.

Therapist availability

Depending on where you live, it may be difficult to find a speech-language pathologist who specializes in the specific area you or your child need help with. Online speech therapy can provide access to therapists who may not be available in your local area.

Insurance coverage

It’s important to check with your insurance provider to see what type of speech therapy is covered. Some insurance plans may cover online speech therapy, while others may not.

At home speech therapy Drawbacks

At-home speech therapy can be a convenient and effective option for individuals with communication difficulties, as it allows them to receive therapy in the comfort of their own home. However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Distractions: The home environment can be filled with distractions, such as TVs, phones, and other household noises, which can make it difficult for the therapist and the individual to concentrate.
  • Interruptions: At-home therapy sessions may be disrupted by interruptions from family members, pets, or other unexpected events. This can make it challenging for the therapist to maintain a consistent and focused therapy session.
  • Limited therapy materials: There is a possibility that the therapist will not have access to the complete assortment of therapeutic materials and apparatus that may be found at a treatment centre or clinic. Because of this, the activities and exercises that can be done during the therapy session may be restricted in their variety.
  • Limited therapist availability: Depending on where you live, it may be difficult to find a speech-language pathologist who is available to provide at-home therapy. This can be especially true if you have a specific need or condition that requires a therapist with specialized training or experience.
  • The cost of at home therapy: This is also a big drawback as the cost of your therapy would be a bit higher than the online or traditional therapy because here your therapist will deal with you at home so there would some traveling fee + it is kind of special session which will make your therapy session costly.

Online speech therapy Drawbacks

Online speech therapy can be a convenient and effective option for individuals with communication difficulties, as it allows them to receive therapy remotely through a computer or device with an internet connection. However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Technology issues: Online therapy relies on technology, which can be prone to glitches and issues. If the internet connection is poor or the device is not functioning properly, it can disrupt the therapy session and make it difficult for the therapist and the individual to communicate effectively.
  • Privacy concerns: Online therapy sessions may not be as private as in-person sessions, as the individual may not have a dedicated therapy space in their home. This can be especially true if the individual shares a computer or device with others.
  • Limited therapist-patient interaction: Online therapy sessions may not allow for the same level of interaction as in-person sessions, as the therapist and the individual are not physically present in the same room. This can make it more challenging for the therapist to provide real-time feedback and guidance.
  • Limited therapy materials: The therapist may not have access to the full range of therapy materials and equipment that are available in an in-person therapy setting. This may limit the types of activities and exercises that can be done during the therapy session.

Final Words

Finally I would say, if you compare at home speech therapy with online speech therapy, then if the therapist come to your home and treat you or your child/kids at home then it would be bit costly as compare to the online therapy.

On the other hand, though the online speech therapy is bit affordable but again it won’t be very effective because everything you are learning in a digital environment and may be you are not doing the things in a right way!

If would like to know about my opinion, then I will go with at home speech therapy. Yes it is bit costlier than online therapy, but you know what you are doing. In this therapy, you can see a big improvement because you are doing your speech therapy exercises as per the speech therapist guidelines.

Ultimately, the best option for you or your child will depend on a variety of factors, including convenience, comfort, technology, therapist availability, and insurance coverage. It’s important to consult with a speech-language pathologist to determine the best course of treatment and to discuss your options. With the right support and guidance, individuals of all ages can make significant progress in their communication skills.

About the Author: shadase

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