Speech therapy exercises after total glossectomy is very useful and beneficial for those who would like to regain control and coordination of the muscles in the tongue, lips, and mouth. As well as it is also recommended to improve their oral awareness and overall oral motor skills.

Many therapist suggest the speech therapy exercises after total glossectomy. It is a great way for speedy recovery and people really feel very confident during the communication. We already covered what you should in case of partial glossectomy so if you haven’t checked it yet then read all about it and continue to learn more about total glossectomy below.

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Speech therapy exercises after total glossectomy

What is total glossectomy

Well if you are not ware ofย  total glossectomy, then it is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a portion of the tongue. This surgery may be necessary for various reasons, including cancer or other types of oral malignancy, trauma, or congenital abnormalities.

After a total glossectomy, it is common for individuals to experience difficulties with speech, swallowing, and eating. These difficulties may be temporary or long-lasting, depending on the extent of the surgery and the individual’s healing process.

To help individuals recover and improve their speech and swallowing abilities, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) may recommend a variety of speech therapy exercises. These exercises have the potential to assist patients in regaining control and coordination of the muscles in their tongue, lips, and mouth. Additionally, they can help individuals enhance their oral awareness and overall oral motor abilities.

5 Speech therapy exercises you must do after total glossectomy

Here are some examples of speech therapy exercises that may be recommended after a total glossectomy. So let’s have a look at all of them below:

#1. Lip and tongue exercises

These exercises can help individuals improve the strength and control of the muscles in their lips and tongue, which are essential for producing clear and accurate speech sounds. Examples of lip and tongue exercises include puckering the lips, protruding the tongue, and making various sounds with the lips and tongue.

#2. Swallowing exercises

After a partial glossectomy, individuals may have difficulty swallowing due to changes in the tongue’s ability to move food to the back of the throat. Swallowing exercises can help individuals regain control and coordination of the muscles involved in swallowing. Examples of swallowing exercises include sipping liquids and practicing different swallowing techniques, such as the “chin tuck” or “lateral swallow.”

#3. Oral motor exercises

These exercises can help individuals improve the overall control and coordination of the muscles in the mouth and face, which are essential for producing clear speech sounds and swallowing. Examples of oral motor exercises include blowing bubbles, blowing through a straw, and making various facial expressions.

#4. Articulation exercises

These exercises focus on improving the clarity and accuracy of speech sounds. SLPs may use techniques such as shaping and modeling to help individuals produce specific sounds correctly. For example, an SLP may model the correct production of a sound and then have the individual repeat the sound, gradually shaping and refining their production until they are able to produce the sound accurately.

#5. Language and communication exercises

These exercises focus on helping individuals improve their language and communication skills, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and conversation skills. SLPs may use various techniques, such as role-playing and conversation prompts, to help individuals improve their language and communication skills.

It is important to note that the specific speech therapy exercises recommended after a partial glossectomy will depend on the individual’s needs and goals. It is also important to remember that recovery and improvement can take time and may involve a combination of therapy, practice, and patience.

If you or a loved one has undergone a total glossectomy and is experiencing difficulties with speech, swallowing, or eating, it is important to seek the help of a qualified SLP. An SLP can assess your needs and create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals and needs. With the right therapy and practice, it is possible to make significant improvements in speech and swallowing abilities after a total glossectomy.

So that’s what we know so far about the Speech therapy exercises after total glossectomy. If you would like to know more then leave your feedback in the comments and don’t forget to share it.

About the Author: shadase

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