There are many speech therapy exercises that you can practice at home to improve your pronunciation. Even these exercises are quite helpful for stroke patients to cure the speech disorders.

If you do these speech therapy exercises daily under the guidance of a speech therapist you can regain the ability to speak and improve the speech and language development.

For example, you can work on your sounds by practicing tongue twisters. Repeat the following tongue twister times to improve your S and SH sounds:

  • She sells sea shells (by the sea shore).

You can also practice saying common phrases aloud, such as “how are you?” or “thank you.” Repeat these phrases a few times each day to help improve your pronunciation.

Some speech therapy exercises at home you can do  are saying the alphabet, counting to 10, and singing nursery rhymes or you can include singing and saying tongue twisters. Singing songs are a proven way to improve the communication and vocal area nerves of a patient suffering from speech disorders!

Speech therapy exercises at home

10 Best Speech Therapy Exercises that You Can Practice at Home

There are many different speech therapy at home exercises that can help improve your speech. Some of the most common exercises include repeating words and phrases, reading out loud, and singing. You can also work on your articulation by practicing saying difficult words slowly and clearly.

We have also covered some of the best exercises for adult but if you have trouble pronouncing certain sounds, your therapist may give you specific exercises to practice. Be sure to follow your therapist’s instructions closely and practice regularly to see the best results. However, some of the best speech therapy exercises are:

#1. Articulation exercises

These exercises help with improving the clarity of speech. Some good exercises include repeating tongue twisters, saying short phrases or words clearly and distinctly, and pronouncing each letter of a word separately. Common exercises that come up when dealing with articulation are:

Tongue In-and-Outs

Stick the tongue out as far as possible and try to hold it for at least 2 seconds, then pull it back in. Again repeat it and hold tongue for 2 seconds, and pull it back in. This helps train the tongue to move in coordinated patterns, which will greatly help improve speech production.

Side-to-Side Tongue Movements

For this speech therapy exercise, just open the mouth and move the tongue and try to touch the right corner of your mouth. Now hold for 2 to 3 seconds, and then touch the left corner of the mouth and hold for 2 to 3 seconds. Repeat this exercise for 5 to 10 times or as per the therapist instructions.

Up-and-Down Tongue Movements

This process is again similar to above one. Just open the mouth and stick out the tongue. Then, reach the tongue up toward the nose. Hold for 2 seconds, then reach the tongue down toward the chin. Repeat it again and again for 5 to 10 times!

#2. Lipreading exercises

Lipreading can be a great way to improve speech clarity for those with hearing impairment. There are many different lipreading exercises that can be practiced at home, such as identifying different facial expressions, reading lips while looking in a mirror, or practicing counting out loud.

A great exercise that falls under this category named Lip Puckers.

To perform it, start with the mouth relaxed. Then, pucker the lips together as if kissing, holding this position for 2 to 3 seconds. Relax for 2 seconds and repeat it.

For better results, it is recommended to do it as slowly as possible.

#3. Nasality exercises

Nasality can often be a problem for those with speech disorders. Exercises that can help reduce nasality include humming, singing, and saying vowels with exaggerated nasality.

The simplest and best way to do this just try to open the mouth as big as possible and try to sing like a Yogi bear. This keeps the back of your tongue down, generating extra room in the rear of your mouth and widening the “exit route” through your mouth.

#4. Resonance exercises

Resonance issues can also be common among those with speech disorders. Exercises that can help improve resonance include speaking in a low pitch, speaking on tip-of-the-tongue, and pronouncing long vowel sounds.

It basically improves the vocal quality and you can speak more loudly and confidently in front of others!

  • HUM exercise: It helps to access the natural brightness and ringing quality of your voice.
  • Yawn exercise: It helps to open up the back of the throat by lowering the position of the larynx.
  • Twang exercises: It involves the narrowing of the aryepiglottic sphincter to create a high-intensity tonal quality whilst maintaining low vocal effort.
  • Singing Plosive Consonants ‘B’ and ‘P’: It helps to move the breath forward. Plosive consonants are ideal for building strength and bringing energy into the voice.
  • Siren on ‘NG’: It helps to train greater vocal endurance and stability, whilst also helping to extend the vocal range.

#5. Pronunciation exercises

Mispronouncing certain words is another common issue among those with speech disorders. Pronunciation exercises can help improve accuracy when speaking words correctly.

Some good exercises to practice include identifying the correct pronunciation of commonly mispronounced words, and practicing enunciating each letter of a word clearly.

#6. Fluency exercises

Fluency disorders can make speaking seem choppy and difficult. Exercises that can help improve fluency include speaking slowly and deliberately, taking pauses between phrases, and avoiding filler words like “um” and “like”.

#7. Gesture exercises

Gesturing while speaking can be helpful for those with speech disorders as it can help to keep the rhythm of speech consistent. Exercises that involve gesturing can include miming everyday activities, pretending to cook or clean, or making hand gestures to accompany spoken words.

#8. Voice therapy exercises

Many people with speech disorders also have problems with their voice quality. Exercises that can help improve voice quality include deep breathing exercises, vocal warm-ups, and humming regularly throughout the day.

#9. Social skills therapy exercises

Individuals with speech disorders often struggle with interacting socially due to their disorder. Exercises that can help improve social skills include attending group therapy sessions, participating in social activities such as meetups or parties, and rehearsing conversations ahead of time.

#10. Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation speech therapy exercises are a form of therapy that helps you focus on the present moment. They can help you learn to control your thoughts and emotions, and can be helpful for people who have anxiety or stress.

How can I practice speech therapy at home?

At the present time you have a plenty of options to practice speech therapy at home.

Now these day you can take the therapy sessions online from a certified speech therapist and save a lot of money, time and effort.  You can practice the suggested speech therapy exercises at home and improve your speech skills.

Gather Sources:

Additionally, you can check speech exercises related videos on YouTube and watch for free.

We have mentioned a lot of exercise above. So check them on YouTube and learn how to perform each and every steps.

Those who looking for free online speech therapy for stroke patients, visit the and websites!

Perform Exercise:

Now guys you have the sources, it time to practice each and every exercise.

Notice: If you are new and don’t know the right way to it, we recommend consult with a certified speech therapist and book an online appointment for first 3 sessions. And once you know how the right way to perform, then you can do it yourself!

You can practice in front of mirror, take the help of recording devices, record the videos, and read the newspaper daily.

Additionally these days, the Chat GPT is also available which you can use for free to know more about the exercises.

If you would like to get feedback how you are performing, they you can share your video on YouTube, FB and ask for suggestion.

There a number of people on social groups, who will help and provide positive guidance.

In case of negative feedback, don’t lose the hope, keep practicing or consult with speech therapist online.

Final Words

These are not the limited at home speech therapy exercises. You can find a plenty of other therapies like Word Games, Smiles, Pairing Repetition on the internet. If you are interested in practicing speech therapy exercises at home after the stroke, make sure you are using the correct pronunciation and enunciation when speaking.

Additionally guys you can download a speech therapy exercises app on your mobile. These apps will let you know about what to do, when to do, and how to do an exercise for better improvement.

You can also practice by reading out loud, even if you don’t have to speak in front of anyone. And finally, try to practice regularly in front of the mirror so that the exercises become routine.

About the Author: shadase

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